Creating Calm in Your Office

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When we think of calm, we often think of relaxing at the end of the day or relaxing during the weekend. This leaves a lot of unused hours during the week without taking advantage of this priceless resource. Whether we work inside or outside of the home, we are all worthy of providing ourselves with the best conditions for accomplishing our work. Below are a few ways that you can start to feel the power of calm.

The first thing is to create the surroundings that make you feel comfortable and at ease. Whether you have a more traditional corporate office that requires a certain aesthetic, or a more casual atmosphere where you can create whatever you desire, the purpose is to create a peaceful and pleasing feeling when you walk into your office each day.

The easiest place to start is with plants. They come in so many varieties and sizes; and they can also help purify the air. Whether in a private office or a shared space, you can find the perfect plants to help bring you a sense of calm. Below is a link to that shows you the best plants for offices (including plants for beginners). Learn about plants that require specific lighting so that you can choose the best ones for your space… Plant Care Today

Tranquil art is also important for a relaxing office. If you have wall space, choose paintings, prints or wall sculptures in colors that literally make you feel good. I’m sure that you have looked at certain artwork and immediately felt a sense of calm. Certain “cool” colors are associated with relaxation such as shades of blue, green and lavender; choose what feels right for you. It should be no surprise that nature images will help create that calming vibe that you desire. If you work in a cubicle with limited space, you can choose from many small framed prints or other artwork designed for small spaces.

One of my personal favorite office items is a small tabletop water fountain. The sound of water is always so soothing. You can also achieve this feel with a wide, clear shallow bowl filled with water and floating candles and/or flowers. Just make sure that it is positioned for you to enjoy the view while sitting at your desk.

Of course work is a place for making things happen. Therefore, a calm office should have useful productivity tools that you acquire and customize according to your needs.

Whether or not you rely on your smart phone for your business calendar, it doesn’t hurt to have a wall calendar in a tranquil theme for quickly looking up dates. I personally love using a monthly planner that I keep on my desk for writing my appointments and reminders. I do, however, rely on “Siri” for many reminders!

Post a listing of your most used business contacts with name, phone number and even e-mail. I sometimes find that typing a name in the recipient bar does not always populate a person’s name, so this saves time from having to go to the company directory to find the information. Print the list on a colored sheet of paper in a calming shade to display nearby or have it readily available on your desktop. Speaking of desktops, here is the place to have that relaxing theme of your favorite beach, sunset, forest or whatever brings you calm. Even your writing implements should bring you tranquility. I love my soft green mechanical pencil in addition to my blue pens…with blue ink of course.

Even the “little things” such as post-it notes in the right colors can evoke a certain feeling. While there is certainly nothing wrong with a quiet environment, you may want to try listening to soft music or to an app. I listen to the sounds of the ocean on the “Calm” app just about everyday (I use the free version). Aside from the sounds you can also look at the video of the ocean; other nature scenes are also available.

It’s so important to be aware of how you feel. Sometimes we experience so much stress with the pressure to get things done (especially due to deadlines) that we ignore the muscle pains and headaches, placing them in the background; all the while aware of their existence. Be sure to take breaks (set a timer if you have to) and take a walk during the day. I realize that this is often easier said than done. Just do it when you can and eventually you will make it a habit. Make yourself a priority…just like your work.

It helps just to stop at certain intervals to take deep breaths. Do stretching exercises at your desk. We hear this advice all the time but how often do we implement it? It really can work. Most of all…have self-compassion for yourself.

Awareness is key to everything. It allows you to pay attention to your surroundings, to your body and to your feelings. Creating a calm office environment will help increase your sense of well-being. While work is often complex and challenging, your surroundings can play a big role in helping to alleviate some of your difficulties and to help you respond to any situation in a sincere manner.

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