New year, New Mindset

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Creating Calm in Your Office

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When we think of calm, we often think of relaxing at the end of the day or relaxing during the weekend. This leaves a lot of unused hours during the week without taking advantage of this priceless resource. Whether we work inside or outside of the home, we are all worthy of providing ourselves with the best conditions for accomplishing our work. Below are a few ways that you can start to feel the power of calm. ENVIRONMENT The first thing is to create the surroundings that make you feel comfortable and at ease. Whether you have a more traditional corporate office that requires a certain aesthetic, or a more casual atmosphere where you can create whatever you desire, the purpose is to create a peaceful and pleasing feeling when you walk into your office each day. The easiest place to start is with plants. They come in so many varieties and sizes; and they can also help purify the air....

How to Create a Tranquil Bedroom

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A tranquil bedroom is the foundation to a relaxing home. This is where you go to recharge in order to have the energy that you need to manage your day, your family and your business. Without proper rest, we feel tired, ungrounded and overwhelmed with all that is on our to do list. A well-thought out plan for your bedroom will contribute to a positive mindset and give you what you need to accomplish what you desire. Here are three areas that will help you achieve the perfect restful retreat.   BEDDING A comfortable mattress is the most important part of a tranquil bedroom. If your mattress does not feel as cozy as you would like and you are not ready to purchase a new one, you can buy a mattress topper (not to be confused wth a mattress pad which protects the mattress). A mattress topper (used on top of the mattress pad) adds at least 2 inches of cushion to make your bed feel more...

3 Tips for Decorating with Faux Candles

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While we love the warm glow of “real” candles, sometimes it is not practical to use them, especially when children are around. Here are 3 ideas for using beautiful faux candles. Many of these battery-operated candles are actually wax and therefore have the same look and feel as the real thing. One choice for illuminating your space is wth plastic tea light candles inside of an embellished mercury glass votive holder (see below).   Many faux candles come in packages of three with a remote control as shown below. The remote control is perfect for when you want to display your candles up high such as on a tall bookshelf or mantle. The candles shown in this image automatically change colors from red to green to blue to orange or you can select one color that fits your mood.   Another interesting way to bring light into a room is with decorative candles (see below). The unique...

Quote of the Day

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Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.


Quote of the Week

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Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


Albert Einstein